Welcome to Energy management center website. “ the power on your side ”

  • Energy is one of the management resources of a company, and shall be managed and controlled by a systematic method in harmony with the management of other resources. Energy Management is managing all kinds of energy used in any system (Buildings and Companies) by making out an optimum design and optimum program of purchasing, generating and consuming various types of energy based on the system’s overall short-term and long-term management program, with due consideration of costs, availability, economic factors.

  • Our Vision

    Our group provides sustainable technical support from the energy management perspective, through saving money and keeping the power of any mechanical thermal engineering system on your side.

  • Designing, evaluating, modifying and ensures the energy conservation throughout the whole mechanical thermal engineering systems [HVAC, BMS, test and balance, steam plant, boiler plant, and solar applications].
    Substitution of the conventional energy systems with the renewable ones and/or enhancement the energy uses. This will result in improving the system efficiency, in turn, saving your money.