Industrial Energy Management
Industrial Energy management
Energy is one of the most important resources to sustain our lives. At present we stilldepend a lot on fossil fuels and other kinds of non-renewable energy. The extensive useof renewable energy including solar energy needs more time for technology development.In this situation Energy Conservation (EC) is the critical needs in any countries in theworldon conventional energy sources basis.
• The design and layout of the building.Strategic planning
Strategic planning of the Energy Management is very important forthe management of factories/companies, and Energy Conservation is one of its major topics. Two aspects have to be considered into the energy conservation issue:-
(1) Economic factors
(2) Environmental impacts
Economic factors of Energy Conservation
Energy saving is important and effective at all levels of human organizations – in thewhole world, as a nation, as companies or individuals. Energy Conservation reduces theenergy costs and improves the profitability.Thenation-wide Energy Conservation efforts will contribute to lessening dependence onimported energy such as crude oils.Private companies are also sensitive to energy costs, which directly affects theirprofitability and even their viability in many cases. Especially factories in the industrialsectors are of much concern, because reduced costs by Energy Conservation mean themore competitive product prices in the world markets and that is good for the nationaltrade balance, too.
Environmental impacts of Energy Conservation
Energy Conservation is closely related also to the environmental issues. The problem ofglobal warming or climate change is caused by emission of carbon dioxide and otherGreen House Gases (GHG). Energy Conservation, especially saving use of fossil fuels,shall be the first among the various countermeasures of the problem, with dueconsiderations of the above mentioned economic factors.